Study suggests vitamin D derivative may provide alternative treatment for hair loss Published on February 9, 2017 by Life Science Daily News Desk
A derivative of activated vitamin D may help to manage hair loss caused by alopecia areata (AA), according to a new study. AA is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, resulting in the loss of clumps of hair, and occasionally, baldness. The disorder currently affects approximately 6.8 million people in […]
Hair loss in women
Female hair loss is an issue frequently seen and can at times, prove a challenging problem to solve! A trend towards this type of hair loss seems to be quite apparent in recent years, indeed research has shown that as many as 1 in 4 women can experience hair loss of this kind. As a […]
Is your hair healthy?
Most people characterise ‘unhealthy’ hair when it feels Course, rough or brittle in texture and looks dry in appearance with breaks or splits in the hair shaft. This is in fact damaged hair that has endured external treatments that have caused the condition to deteriorate. Looking after, the hair with a good hair care regime […]
Grey Discovery
Scientists for the first time have identified the gene responsible for the process of hair losing its colour and turning grey. The study, which was led by researchers at University College London, also found genes relevant to dense eyebrows and beards. Dr Kaustubh Adhikari author on the study said that "this is the first time […]