Most people characterise ‘unhealthy’ hair when it feels Course, rough or brittle in texture and looks dry in appearance with breaks or splits in the hair shaft. This is in fact damaged hair that has endured external treatments that have caused the condition to deteriorate. Looking after, the hair with a good hair care regime and products can alleviate and prevent these problems. When the hair has become ‘over processed’ then it cannot not be repaired, if it becomes matted when wet and feels like ‘wet cotton wool’. This is a sure sign it is over processed by chemicals.
Maintaining a healthy head of hair starts with healthy eating. All the nutrients required for normal healthy hair growth come from the blood passed to your hair via it’s follicle. Interruptions in this process can lead to hair growth issues. As well as diet for newly growing hair a good hair care regime is vital in preserving a healthy head of hair. Particularly as it is often there for a few years before it is replaced!
If you are unsure of how to care and maintain your hair through diet and hair care regimes, then why not visit a Trichologist for a tailor-made regime to suit you.